Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day 2010

Happy Labor Day
Today is the first Monday of September and in USA First Monday of September is reserved for Labor Day. Labor Day is the day of labor movement in America at a time when labor was not valued and not honored. On that day a national holiday was declared. We celebrate that day for those that fought for a better life while working hard and pursuing their American dream.

Every person of US from bricklayers to engineers is celebrated that day. Some of the people paraded through the city with taking handmade floats and chanting slogans. Some people enjoys that holiday by make plan for dinner, picnic with their family.If you are going to celebrate Labor Day to plan for dinner then light some candles and fill your home with fragrance by spraying delightful perfume. You can also go for shopping many of the company or houses offers sale on many of the items like perfume and cologne, flowers, etc.

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