Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Loris Azzaro- The best design house

Loris Azzaro is a France based design house. This house has a long history of producing the most exquisite and delicious fragrances. Azzaro Couture is the first perfume launched by the house in 1975. It was inspired by the high fashion trends and is resplendent with cypress notes and floral decadence. Azzaro Pour Hommes was another addition of fragrance in the house collection. And after that in 1984, Azzaro 9 was another fragrance for women; it was so sweet, elegant and contemporary fragrance. Other fragrances launched by the house are Ohlala, Eau Belle, Chrome, Orange Tonic etc. Anessa Seward took over the design department at Loris Azzaro Design House in 2004.


mangalnis perfume said...

One news about cologne and perfume so interesting! My knowledge is more bigger:)

cheap perfume said...

Without perfumes, girls can become overly shy at times. No wonder some people would say that a woman who has no perfume has no future.